Responsibilities of Prospective PTAs/PTSAs
A PTA or PTSA is a self-governing local unit of Florida PTA and National PTA. National PTA began in 1897. The oldest and largest child advocacy association in the United States, the National PTA was founded to promote the well-being of children and youth. Upon acceptance of the nonsectarian, nonpartisan and noncommercial policies of the National PTA, each local PTA and its members are automatically a part of the Florida PTA and National PTA.
Although most PTAs are organized in schools, PTAs can also be organized in other places where parents or others concerned about the health, education and welfare of children and youth wish to meet. Any parent, teacher, principal or other interested caring person may take the first step in organizing a PTA.
To become a PTA:
Contact the Florida PTA
1747 Orlando Central Parkway
Orlando, Florida 32809
(407) 855-7604 or (800) 373-5782
Ask that a Florida PTA representative be assigned to address your group, providing helpful information and materials about PTA.